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Oh, the irony

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Oh, the irony

...that here we are a "Travelling" site, and yet we are told to assume that anyone who claims to be travelling "must" be a scammer. Well, gee, if we're not supposed tell anyone we are travelling, or respond to anyone who is travelling, than in what sense is this "Travelling Passions"? It makes as much sense as if Out Passions refused to allow Male seeking Male searches.

Live was I ere I saw evil.
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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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As a 100% free network, we have implemented our TOS (Terms of Service) to try and protect members from people who would claim to be in one location, but then send an email saying they are 'out of the country' traveling, when surprise surprise, they 'run into financial difficulties'.

We have seen your constant complaints about how the system doesn't make sense for people who travel, but we just don't agree.

If you send a message from a country that is not in a member's approved country list, the message is still delivered, but it goes into the member's BLOCKED folder.

They can still read it, and if they like you, they can add you to their Favorites list...which will prevent further blocking regardless of your travels. Or they can update their approved country list to allow messages from members in that country to go directly into their Inbox.

The options are provided so that each member can choose what works best for them.

If you are traveling, and you don't want members to report you as a possible spammer/scammer, then update your account to show where you are before you send a message.

You can't possibly think that it is so horrible that you would be asked by the network to be honest about your location before contacting members within the network, can you?

The bottom line is that there are A LOT of people that try to take advantage of other people online and our TOS are in place to try and limit the likelihood that spammers/scammers will be able to take advantage of our members.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I can understand about wanting to protect people from those kinds of scams; but honestly, it seems to me that claims about "running into financial difficulties" are the real problem, not travelling per se. After all, if someone wants to scam someone in that way, they can always come up with a different cover story, one that does not involve claims of travelling. Seems to me that warning people against members asking for money would cover all such scams.

Changing my listed location is what I have done; I guess what worried me was not understanding the network's statement that "location will be verified." How they could verify my location, I have no idea; but the first time I changed it, I worried that might trigger a deletion, since I was now listing a state other than the one in which I first signed up. Also, since I take road trips from time to time, I might pass through ten states in as many days, and not always have Internet access to change my location each day. Does that mean I cannot arrange to meet a member in a state I am passing through? I guess I am saying I would like some clearer guidelines on what I can and cannot say.

Anyway, thank you for replying.

p.s. -- I just used the Jump button to come here from Nudist Passions, and in order to post this reply, I had to sign in again.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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First, we are not sure why you are having this login problem, because the system is not using cookies when you 'JUMP' it should be able to pass you through to any site in your account.

We are in the network everyday, jumping all over the place, and we never have this problem (and we do not have any extra admin setting that would change our ability to 'JUMP' in a different way).

If you have multiple browsers open, then maybe the system is getting confused...but if you are staying in the same browser, you should not be having this problem.

Unfortunately, with no error message, and without being able to replicate the problem, we aren't going to be able to help. If you spot a pattern to the problem, or any error message, please let us know.

Now, back to the 'traveling/location' issue.

We are ONLY concerned with members who are saying they are in one country while being in another. Traveling between states is not a concern.

Everyone knows the infamous 'Nigerian' scams. Well, guess what, they don't admit to being in Nigeria initiallly. They claim to be in the same country as their target. After developing a relationship (of sorts), they then claim to be 'traveling' out of the country...where they run into some sort of problem. Someone gets ill and needs immediate medical help. Or they are robbed and need money for their ticket home. Or...

Our requirement that members have their actual location (specifically the country they are in) listed within their account, is so that members can decide whether or not they want to interact with the other member...and whether or not they can believe what they are being told. If a members says they are in the U.S. (in their account), but our system shows them to be in Africa...they are deleted.

We don't have anything against members traveling. We only require that they update their actual location whenever they are in another country. (You do not have to change your state every time you go out of town...although, it could looks suspicious to someone if your account says one thing and you say another.)

Our system only 'reacts' when there is a country-level discrepancy though.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

feedback wrote: Now, back to the 'traveling/location' issue.

We are ONLY concerned with members who are saying they are in one country while being in another. Traveling between states is not a concern.

Thank you for clearing that up. The way it was stated in the guidelines did not make that clear.

Quote: Our requirement that members have their actual location (specifically the country they are in) listed within their account, is so that members can decide whether or not they want to interact with the other member...and whether or not they can believe what they are being told. If a members says they are in the U.S. (in their account), but our system shows them to be in Africa...they are deleted.
Hmmm...well, I'm not sure how that works, but as long as your system can tell without making mistakes, I can live with it. But I've yet to meet a computer that never makes mistakes -- computers are as bad as humans in that regard, In My Experience.

Live was I ere I saw evil.
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